Thursday, November 29, 2012

The 3 Core Values for a Successful Product Positioning

So you want to know about successful product positioning?

I understand how this issue affects you and your business. Actually, I had the same issue too when I was starting mine. So I spent time looking for techniques to use to successfully position my products. Having done the research, I certainly understand how tricky this issue could be for you.

Most 'Me-Too" businesses go broke. You have to stand out from the crowd and here is why.

But first answer this question... What makes your business different from your competitors? Got the answer already? Great, that is good news.

Think about this... The fact that other businesses fail means there is less so-called competition cluttering up your market place.

Losing money is not clever and of course the word 'bankruptcy' strikes a raw nerve in everybody involved. I understand. The last thing we all want is to get to that point in our business.

So here is the best way of avoiding the problem of bankruptcy. Look for ways to successfully position your productso that you do not have any competition. Make your product or service unique.

The 3 secrets are these...VP, U.S.P and U.B.A

1. Value Proposition -This states your company's core values. What you want to be known for. What makes your company special? Write it on a piece of paper. It should be no longer than 4 sentences and contain no fluff and no filler.

2. Unique Selling Proposition -This states what is unique and different about your product or service. If you are selling a product that other people sell too. Find a way to add value to your offer. Add something that makes your offer unique.

3. Unique Buying Advantage -If the added value that goes with your product really resonates with your customers then your U.S.P will instantly become their U.B.A. So find out as much as you can about their pain points.

Finally, the best way to do this is to ask them. They will be pleased that you have taken the time to listen to their concerns. This will build rapport and customer loyalty.

Warning: These 3 core product positioning values must be aligned. You must feel congruent with them. Success will then be a short step away.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   

Make Money Fast And Easy Selling Information Products - Make More Money Starting Today

Forming An Online Business

One of the major advantages of online business is that it really doesn't take much money to get one started - and once you do, the operating costs are still rather low when compared to traditional businesses. It is possible, for example, to spend a few dollars each month on webhosting for your site and advertising, while making significantly more in profit. The real value of some internet business is that they offer you a way to make money fast and easy. Keep reading, and I will explain in detail.

Profiting In Information

The secret to web-business is that it uses the greatest feature of the internet to generate a profit. Most of you realize that the internet is first a tool for collecting and sharing information. It is mindboggling how much information is on the internet today. People use the web to find all sorts of information. It is a way to pursue special interests, hobbies, and learn something about nearly everything imaginable. It is this insatiable hunt for new or different material that will help you begin profiting in information.

More people are taking this to heart and achieving excellent online sales by selling digital information products. Among them, the bigger sellers are e-books, apps, audio and video courses, and other software. These types of products offer the best opportunity to make money fast and easy on the internet. They are very profitable because you can create them at little cost and turn around and make nearly 100% profits. Others may take a different approach to information products and create membership sites that customers pay to view newsletters, consulting services, etc.

Product Options

The sky is the limit when you are thinking about selling an e-book. The market for these types of information products can be endless if you spend some time considering how to target a specific niche market. These types of niche products can be sold through automatic systems that can literally make you money while you sleep. One of the big players in this is This storehouse of digital information products allows members to promote and sell them for a decent profit.

A niche market product can be much more profitable because you are not trying to compete with thousands of other online businesses that are attempting to make money in their own online niches. If you make your information product intensely targeted towards specific kinds of prospects you'll be able to make great money.

Get Started

If you are ready to make money fast and easy, then selling digital information products that focus on specific niches could be an excellent opportunity for newcomers. All it takes to get started is a viable product, a website, and a plan to attract traffic. This, at least, gives you a brief overview. You'll need to spend more time investigating on your own to find the best options for you.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   

Product Launch Strategy: How to Approach Affiliates - Part 1

When I was working on the biggest launch (so far) of my career my first responsibility was to set up a nationwide network of promotional partners for our program launch. Earning the respect of promotional partners is complex, but there is a strategy to it.

My client at the time was a Fortune 500 company and required nationwide partnerships as a part of the launch plan. As an information marketer, you probably aren't looking to create such a large network all at once. More than likely you are trying to establish high quality, long-term relationships with a core group of promotional partners.

In this two-part article series, I used my experience to create a simple example of how to approach and excite promotional partners about your upcoming product launch.

Here is an example of an information product you might sell:

Let's say that you have created an awesome cookbook filled to the brim with one-of-a-kind southern style dessert recipes. Your friends and family love your recipe, you've catered a couple of corporate events, and you put all that yummy goodness in a cookbook that you know is going to sell like hotcakes. What kind of message do you use to get people to help you sell it?

Here is an example of a message you might present to promotional partners:

"I found some information that I think you will appreciate. I know you are one of five competitors in the specialty cookbooks niche online. I researched some current market trends and the sales of dessert cookbooks are going to increase with the upcoming holiday season. I also looked at your current inventory and all the dessert cookbooks you sell are out of date. It seems to me that you really need a cookbook that will catch the coming trend and update your inventory at the same time.

We are launching our new cookbook packed full of delicious southern style dessert recipes, and we are looking for promotional partners that would like to share in the launch success. It sounds like we should work together. Why don't we partner on this launch and share the sales?

What is the big lesson to learn?

Your potential promotional partner is less concerned about the recipes inside the cookbook and more concerned with how well the book will sell to customers. The fact that you understand the competition and latest market trends makes it clear that you understand how to sell cookbooks. You've also made it clear that you are conducting your own launch, so you are not depending on this one promotional partner to drive all of your sales. In one simple presentation, you have offered an attractive partnership that limits their risk. It's a good deal.

Did you see the lessons here? This is a simple story but there is a lot to learn from it. I can think of two additional lessons that I would like to tell you about in a follow-up article. If you would like to take this story a little further you can find the next article titled "Product Launch Strategy: How to Approach Affiliates - Part 2".

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   What Is Kajabi?   

Products Come in Many Forms - Find Your Niche

Information masters who possess a great deal of knowledge when it comes to their craft fully comprehend that product creation is only half the battle. It is imperative that one figures out how to present all of their material in a clean looking fashion so that they can come up with a product that is user-friendly. The bottom line is that you must develop something that buyers will want to purchase or you will not make any money.

If the appearance of a product is worth a thousand words, it can also be worth 1000 dollars if it is put into the right hands of a product creation specialist. Since there are so many ways to present your product, the words below will merely focus on a few of the many methods available.

- Physical Products - E-books - Reports

Physical products

Products that are physical in nature are worthy of mention because they allow your purchasers to grasp an actual course that they can put to use and earn money from for years to come. They also provide the owner of the course with the ability to charge more for his product because it simply has a higher perceived value. More money is always good, no matter how you look at the big picture. However, due to the fact that you have to ship your goods to the clients who buy the item, you should get used to going to the Post office very often.


Another option for those who are striving to present their online knowledge to the world is via Ebooks. They can be as long or short as you desire, but are usually no more than 200 pages in length. When an author works with a book of this type, it is very possible to dig more deeply into your topic of choice. You can present yourself as an expert to your target audience, market to them with other offers in the pages of your eBook, and even set up an army of affiliates who will promote your words for you. There will always be customers who want what you have to offer right now. They do not want to wait for the material that is promised on your sales page. These customers are perfect eBook buyers that you can market to both now and in the future with this digital product creation.


The shorter literary cousin of the eBook goes by the name of a report. The difference between a report and an eBook is that a report contains fewer words, and thus less information. Reports work well for people who have limited patience and attention spans. Perhaps you will find an eager report buyer such as a stay at home mother who just does not have enough time to read an entire eBook or physical course. People who have limited time on their hands simply can't afford to waste a single second on anything that is not productive.

In closing, regardless of the weapon you choose to expand your information product army, you must determine what your niche market desires and give them exactly what they long to possess. If you do this, you will have more hungry buyers than you can count.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Suggestions to Launching a New Business - Discover Why It Should Start Online!   

The 3 Successful Procedures For Product Launching

Alright, your product or business is ready to launch, but do have a system and procedure that provides you a successful product launching?

Worrisome it is, right? Because you are putting your business and profit in the brink of penury...

Well, do not worry anymore because I have great ideas to share with you about it.

I know what you are going through, because I have been to that situation before I achieved my goal of having a successful business online. And that is all because of the great secret I will be sharing with you....right here....

Here is the thing, not all business are successful as to what, not all business failed, and that is all because the people behind it have able to manage and market the product properly and profitably. It all started during the product launching.

But now, together we will have a successful business following these great ideas I have proven to be useful and valuable to take into.

Before we start, first think that your business will be in success soon...

Basically, we consider everything but sometimes we forgot some vital things during the product launching. This is because our mind is too occupied coinciding to our worries on the possible outcome of the launching.

Here are the 3 secrets for a successful product launching....

Product development process. You have to stay focused and keep on track about your product. Be committed! Have a clear and tangible goal without any boundaries or limitation about your product and it benefits to your customers. Product launch marketing. Effectively describe your product to others. Promoting your product launching through different medium such as media advertising, internet marketing and the like is just one reason to let people know about your product to be able to test it. Product marketing strategies. Thoroughly market your product either in any possible way. Know the best and easy strategies to market your product. Get some software or tools to easy market your product.

Warning: Seriously consider the tips above to have a successful product launching.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   

Getting the Investments to Get Your Product Off the Ground

Many inventors run out of money early in the invention process. This is often because they wait too long to take on investors. Experienced inventors know it is best to take on investors from the earliest stages of inventing so they don't run out of money later on. Once you run out of money, finding investors can be difficult because you will look like a poor planner. So take the right steps, right from the beginning.

Early Investments

These are the investments that help you finalize your concept, create a prototype, execute a patent strategy, make initial contact in your market and set up your business operations.

Initial Seed Money

This money is needed to evaluate your idea. It typically involves a preliminary patent search, some initial market analysis, verification of the idea's premise and possibly attendance of trade shows to see other products and meet industry people.

This stage is typically self funded. Your goal is to evaluate your idea, determine if it has potential and gather information to create a presentation for potential investors about your idea and its potential in the market. In an upcoming article, we will deal with how to craft that presentation.

The costs for this stage usually run less than $1,000 and can be funded by savings, credit cards or the sale of personal property.

Feeling Out the Market

As you develop your product and further investigate market potential, you will need to attend trade shows, industry events and association meetings, plus subscribe to industry literature. Your goal is to learn about the market and to network both with people who can help you with your product, either as advisors or as investors, and with people who may end up being customers. You will use the presentation you prepared using your initial seed money to explain your product to industry contacts and potential investors.

Before you start, you will want to look into applying for a provisional patent to give you a patent pending status. Although many inventors submit provisional patent applications themselves, you will probably want to talk to an experienced person to see if this will work for you. For instance, provisional patents don't apply if you will later be applying for a design patent. It is better to have a patent pending status than to ask people to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements since some companies don't sign Non-Disclosure Agreements.

Also before you start attending events, you will need to prepare a sample brochure. Make sure your brochure includes your contact information so people can get in touch with you later.

This is a great stage to take on your first investors. You may not need them yet since this stage often costs less that $2,000, but if you lined up three investors to each give $500, you will have some funds to help you along and also three more people interested in your success. Because of this interest, these investors will also be more inclined to invest in the future. You want to tell them that you need to prepare a brochure and attend trade shows to make industry insider contacts that you can rely on during your invention process.

Models, Prototypes and Patents

Once you are sure that your product will sell, you will want to make a high quality prototype to both verify that your product will actually work as you envision it and to prepare for the next stages of your product's introduction. If your product works well as you envisioned, then it is also time to implement your patent strategy. You want to make sure your product is just right before applying for a patent, otherwise any changes you make could take your product outside of your patent protection.

With your high quality prototype, also create packaging and another brochure using the product's picture. With these tools, you can attempt to land a licensing, private label or join-venture agreement. Your prototype needs to show your product will work and your packaging and brochure need to show that your product has a good sales pitch.

Depending on the complexity of your product and your patent strategy, this stage can be expensive. Patents alone can cost from $5,000 to $25,000 and up. But if you are looking into starting your own company, this stage is not expensive compared to setting up manufacturing. Hopefully you have already brought on some investors and you should approach them about investing in this again. Most investors understand how important this stage is and will invest again. Especially if you are starting your own company, try to approach many investors for a small investment now. It will be easier to get small investments and then it sets these people up to invest in your business later on.

Another possible source of funding for prototypes is from manufacturers. If you have met some manufacturing contacts in the previous step, you can sometimes set up a deal with them to have their in-house engineering staff do the prototype (they are being paid anyway and if the manufacturer doesn't have enough work this can be attractive for them) in return for you using them as a contract manufacturer when you start production.

Next Steps

After this step, your product development can take many different paths and you will need to choose your business model at this point. But in this article we will mention one more step that most inventors forget to plan for.

Setting Up Company Operations

If you set up some kind of company operations you will have a variety of expenses, which may include: operating capital, buying office supplies (computers, printers, fax machine, desks, file cabinets, etc.), setting up phone systems, hiring an accountant and paying legal fees. These expenses will greatly vary depending on whether or not you run your company out of your house, if you need to hire employees and many other factors.

Make sure you consider these expenses in advance so you can create a presentation on your needs for current and potential investors.

Look for our next article about many of the different funding sources, for instance: angel investors, bank loans, deals with manufacturers and many others.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Suggestions to Launching a New Business - Discover Why It Should Start Online!   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   

Product Launch - Make a Fortune From a New Product Launch Without Promoting the Product

Have you ever taken your time to study what happens when a new product is launched in the internet business world? Here is a broad view of what happens.

- Internet marketers start talking about the product benefits through posts on their blog or page of their website or both with the view to expertly and persuasively convincing people that they need it.

- Internet users start discussing about the product in forums, social network sites etc

- Affiliate marketers start promoting the product on their website, blog, through AdWords etc

Generally, people start searching for the product online through search engines and other means with the aim of knowing more about the product and possibly buying it.

The above analysis leads to lots of traffic for sites and blogs with information about such product which to a reasonable extent convert to sales.

Going by the above mentioned facts, here is the game plan of how to make a fortune when a new product is launched in the internet business world without being an affiliate. All you need do is capitalise on the activities of other marketers who have created hungry leads for the topic of the new product by creating a small report on the topic.

Do you get the idea?

Ok, here is a breakdown: hot topics and trends come along regularly in the internet business world with top guys in the industry offering high ticket product of $250 upward on such development. That can pay off big for you by creating a small report or mini-ebook of within 10 - 20 pages on the hot topic or trend and offer it for $20 (the choice is yours).

Conclusively, this idea works in the sense that:

- These top guys and other marketers have created hungry leads for your offer with them even knowing.

- Many of those people who can not afford the high ticket product would likely buy your small report because they have been convinced they need something of such and yours is affordable.

- Many of those who bought the high ticket product would likely buy your small report because of the same reason (i.e convince they need it) and the fact that they would like to know what you might offer differently.

I hope this information will be useful to you. As a bonus for reading this article, I have a free eBook for you that will assist you in creating your small report. It details the step by step guide to creating a small report.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   

New Directories Help Internet Marketers Get on Radio Talk Shows

Radio talk show hosts NEED guests. And if the topic of discussion is your business or book, hosts will often tout your business or book several times during the interview.

So, if radio presents such a great opportunity for you to promote your business, product or yourself... how do you get on these shows in the first place?

Unfortunately, looking for suitable radio talk shows is one research task that is NOT so easy on the Internet: Most radio websites are poorly designed for potential radio guests. Rarely will you find the show theme and guest criteria - or even if guests are welcome. As an online publicist, I am well aware of the difficulty in finding the right match for my clients and the relevant radio show.

Go to any radio website. You may find the bios of the hosts but not the theme of their shows, or the theme of their shows but no contact information, or whether or not they invite guests, and, if so, what kind? In contrast, authors with websites seek to promote their books on their sites with a bio of the author, excerpts, guest book, articles, and myriad other ways to showcase themselves and their books.

This lack of information not only shortchanges potential guests but listeners as well.

Radio is the stepchild of TV but it doesn't have to be that way. Why don't radio stations promote themselves to markets outside their area? A show on animals, aired in Los Angeles, would surely interest pet owners all over, but the powers-that-be at the station are trying to increase the audience in L.A. - instead of focusing on streaming on the Internet so that it's heard worldwide.

As one host wrote me in response to my comment about his awful website, "We understand the importance of websites and our sites are pretty good for a market our size. But the local business people aren't exactly standing in line to give us money for web advertising. We're lucky to have a part-timer that can spend a few hours a week on our 4 websites." This lack of interest in promotion translates to poorly designed websites, which in turn makes it more difficult to find receptive hosts.

It's a shame because radio is free, you don't have to travel, and you can do the interview on your pajamas.

The challenges facing Internet marketers and others to get interviewed on radio prompted my creating several eBooks of radio talk shows, containing the critical information potential guests need: title and theme, guest criteria, name of host, email, phone (optional), website, best method of contact, and where the show is aired.

It's one small step to help experts find shows that match their topics.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   

Get Paid to Play Games As a Game Tester - Best Way to Earn Income

Just imagine the life of a game tester who gets paid playing games; that would be an awesome way to earn income out of your hobbies.

Don't you know that you too can become a game tester and enjoy living this kind of life if you really want to?

The fact is that this is possible because there are many big-time companies out there who are also searching for excellent game players to try their newly created or newly launched products in order to get feedbacks; so that they can improve their products. Bear in mind that the best games were not created by only one mind; but they were produced from a collective pooling of creative minds that made the original design and layout of the product; but consistently made several changes based on feedbacks coming from the end-users themselves.

This is not only true to video-games, but also on other products and softwares as well. Hence, this creates an opportunity for you to become one of the product testers where you can play top of the line games; and gets paid for the feedback that you shall submit to these companies.

In order to apply, you need to have your own computer with excellent video and game cards; as well as large hard-drive memories so that you can also get to try high-quality products. You also need to have game consoles like Xbox 360, WII, and Sony PlayStation in order for you to try products in various formats.

Additionally, you also need to have excellent English skills in order to come up with feedback report with exceptional quality. Take note that your feedback may be used on various testimonials to support the marketing of the product; hence, make sure that your report is free from spelling and grammatical errors.

If you surpass this initial qualification and requirements, then you too can become one of the game testers who get paid by simply playing exciting games.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   

Consumer Product Launch

In these days of a saturated market, aggressive advertising and cut throat competition introducing a new product is always a challenge. It can be very difficult to have it noticed. A new product needs a big thrust to set it going and push it into consumer's minds. It needs a valiant push that can help it settle into the market. All theses are achieved with a successful consumer product launch. A product launch is like a coming of age party of yesteryears where young adults would get a chance to display themselves to the world and burst upon the scene. A product launch is a charismatic event where the product is showcased for the media and the public, who are extensively familiarized with its features and advantages over existing products in the market thus positioning it to compete with them.

However a campaign launch is never the sole answer to a successful product campaign. It must up by solid marketing and advertisement plans to make the entire campaign worthwhile. A glorious product launch followed up by an inglorious marketing strategy will be a disaster. Successful consumer product launches are company-wide events that must be the focus of your entire organization and need to be followed up effectively.

There are a few general things that go into building the success of product launch although each product launch needs its own style, strategy and innovation that must suit the company, the product, the target market and the prevalent trends and tastes.

The first very important thing behind the success of the launch is a good and innovative pre launch. A pre launch is used to build a buzz about a product before it is launched. It is used to build the curiosity and interest of customers by "having the word out" tactfully without revealing the actual product. In this way hype is built gradually up until the day of the launch. In this way increased attention of the market can be drawn to the launch which increases the impact of the launch.

The other important thing to so create a consumer product launch of impact is to get endorsements and credibility for your product. Reach prominent reviewers - business magazines, websites etc. to get successful reviews. Favorable reviews go a long way in creating a strong base for your product.

One of the things to be necessarily avoided is over hyping a product. Too much hype can cause a later experience of disappoint and subsequent loss of interest among consumers. The launch must be realistic and precise. While aggressiveness is very good and helps to build an image of the company's confidence in the product, there must not be any resonance of desperation. Giving out trial offers and freebies help to lure customers. Again there must be a moderation maintained or this may lead to a general presumption that the product is not good enough to survive alone.

These things must be kept in mind while designing a launch. Layers of innovation will fine tune these basic things to create a consumer product launch of great impact.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   

Product Launch Manager - Does She Have the Midas Touch?

Product launch Manager - What is it?

Launch managers perform modern day alchemy - turning ordinary products and services into gold. These specialists transforms regular products into eagerly anticipated, must-have items through creating compelling and unbeatable offers, making sure you use the best marketing and copywriting money can buy, and helping you attract affiliate and joint venture partners.

If you want to build a web presence and grow a substantial, replacement income online, you must master internet marketing. You must brand yourself as the expert in whatever niche you decide to pursue.

Before you do much of anything else, you have to start building an email list. Then you have to build a relationship with that list. Your subscribers must come to know, like, and trust you - or else your business will be dead in the water.

You build rapport with your list by starting a conversation with them. They will tell you exactly what products and services they want and how they want them - either a physical or an electronic, downloadable product, for example.

Then you can position yourself to be the leader by creating the offers your clients and customers are clamoring for.

By now, we've all seen product launches. However, the entire process can still seem more than a little daunting. In fact, it can be downright intimidating.

I mean, did you ever wonder how a product launch can appear to come out of nowhere? One day you haven't heard a whisper about it, and the next day the whole world seems to be talking about it?

The secret is the pre-pre-launch buzz that was percolating just under the surface. The person who performs this magic is the launch manager. A product launch manager helps you get that buzz going.

We all have experienced the hoopla surrounding the release of a major Hollywood blockbuster movie such as the Batman or Transformer series, or the release of a Harry Potter book, or Apple's iPhone. Well, a product launch manager does the same thing only he or she does it online.

Ideally, you want to come out of your launch with much more money, a much bigger list, a stronger relationship with your list, better positioning within your niche, increased momentum, and more affiliate and joint venture partners. In short, you want to come out of your product launch with more of everything good. It is possible for a company to generate the same amount of money during a product launch as it ordinarily would during an entire year.

That's what happens with a successful launch - when you have a competent product launch manager.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   

Product Launches, Defining the Go-To Guy, and Classic Business Savvy

There sure are a lot of launches going down, online. Seems like everyone who has something to sell is trying to work people into a bug-eyed frenzy before allowing anyone to buy it.

I love good marketing tactics. The launch process is a good one, based on sound classic salesmanship... but geez Louise. I'm getting forty emails a day from people I don't know who pretend to be my closest buddy in the world, telling me the foreplay is almost over, and the long-awaited climax is just around the corner...

Let's just please all get a grip for a moment here.

There are products that deserve to be launched, with all due pomp and circumstance... and there are products that, frankly, look kinda like that emperor with no clothes on.

Sometimes, a circus is just another circus. And they aren't all the greatest show on earth.

Look... when I tout something to you in an email, or here in the blog, it's because I'm sold on it. I think it's a good thing to at least give a look-see... and I've checked it out first.

For me, that's a major part of the definition of being a go-to guy - to not squander any good will I've created with you, and not to be a whore about every commissioned project that I get asked to tout.

And I get asked a lot.

If I say something's worth checking out, I'm telling you from my heart and my professional experience. And hard as it may be to believe, I have even done this without expecting or asking for - or receiving - any kick-back of any kind.

I'm a die-hard capitalist, but I also take my job as a teacher damn seriously. I think my blogs and newsletters back this up.

I can appreciate any marketing tactic that gets people's blood pumping.

But really... when all is said and done... the bottom line will always be basic salesmanship and classic business savvy. A great friend, marketer and copywriter - himself part of a multi-million dollar launch of a worthwhile product that actually delivers the goods - said it very succinctly:

All you really need to be successful... is a business mind and someone who can write the copy.

Take a deep breath and cogitate on that for a moment. It's brilliant.

So stay frosty. And give it all a good look-see.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   

Recognition of the Potential Market and Expansion Opportunities

How to increase sales from the same product?

One way to tackle the crisis that comes about is to begin to develop search strategies for different uses of products and result in different types of potential markets.

SME companies usually have a small group of large customers that keep the company in business and absorbing nearly all resources of the company. This is why it is almost an impossible mission dedicated to having a commercial look that can view the different markets. They can reach target business growth in general and in particular products.

The first geographic analysis is if there is the possibility of expanding into markets far from the capital and even foreign markets. At this point we must first analyze the culture of each place and then scans, or fieldwork in the old system of error. Go to the selected sites and start looking for potential distributors or known contacts through Internet marketing channels that might be interested in incorporating new suppliers or new products. The interior market is usually quite underserved by existing business and always see a lot of dissatisfaction because they are abandoned in the attempt to growth by vendors who are committed and do not comply.

The second analysis is to conduct studies of possible domestic markets which can sometimes make a small modification to the product so as to enable new markets that can give the same product.

Finally, we can develop strategies to increase prices or value-added products and create a relaunch. In the case of a pricing strategy changes, you can download a small portion of profit margin to capture a larger market which will result in massive profits but as a larger scale. If developed, is a strategy that replaces the previous product or improvement in consumption result is reactive with the spread of the values added and innovation that this action generates.

All creative strategies and discussed in depth with all variables as measures will be critical to the time of crisis that is predicted for 2009. The companies are two ways, or are reabsorbed by larger companies suppliers or customers, or taking the leap to grow definitive growth. Let us use this crisis to strengthen the small and medium enterprises, is possible.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   

Concept Launch

A product launch is not the only thing that creates a strong foundation for the product. Of course once the product is ready to be introduced into the market a good product launch is what you need to give it a great thrust to put it in a competitive position in today's saturated and aggressive markets. However, long before the product is ready you can create a handsome place for it through a concept launch.

Once the design is in place and has been finalized after considerable testing and market survey, the design or the concept can be given a nice launch to make the market anticipative of the product. A strong concept launch can give the product good initial sales. As we all know a good start goes a long way in a successful sprint.

Sometimes if the new product is an innovative one and very much apart from its predecessors it may take some time to build consumer trust. The market will be initially edgy about the product and it will take time for sales to pick up. This can be avoided with a strong concept launch. A concept launch helps to allay consumer apprehension about a product which is a revolution of sorts. It builds a strong interest in the product at the same time. Subsequent marketing and pre launch strategies can help to build up a successful product launch.

A concept launch is also a good way of studying market reaction to a new product and gauging its potential. In this way any negative image can be tackled and positive ones can be built upon. Apprehensions regarding the product can be dissolved through timely emissions of explanatory articles and media briefs. Anything that is being regarded as negative in the product can also be removed or modified. It also gives the company a chance to counter objections to the product from all sections of the society and interested parties and to understand their issues and agenda. As a result any legal tangle that can arise upon the market launch of the product is avoided. A concept launch gives a product a great opportunity to make a smooth tangle free start upon its launch. This gives it great popularity and handsome first round of sales.

A concept launch also helps to build an effective curiosity and inquisitiveness in the market regarding the product. It prepares consumers gradually over time for the new product and in this way, by the time the product is ready for the market, consumers are feeling friendly about the product. Any product that is radically new will always create apprehension and negativity. Using a good concept launch and a successful follow up, the reaction can be turned into positive anticipation and all hostilities towards it can be neutralized.

In this way a concept launch goes a long way in ensuring the success of a product. If a product has a good start and free of the hassles normally expected to be associated with its introduction to the market, then the company can quickly mop up the profits. This will increase the profitability of the product by much.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   

How to Do the Best Product Launch

Having a successful new product launch is a great thing for every business, everyone wants to do it, but not everyone can. In this article we will give you a few tips that will help you have the best product launch campaign.

Best product launch tip number one: Do a pre-launch diagnosis

Doing this will allow you to find out hidden faults and bugs that you may have missed earlier. This will give you time to tweak your product before the launch.

Best launch tip number two: Understand your customers

Invest some time and effort in data mining and customer profiling, those tools will tell you a lot about your customers and their needs. It will also help if you have solid marketing research and segment identification strategies.

Best product launch tip number three: Confidently reduce business risk

Risk can never be completely avoided, but it can be significantly decreased by striving to have a sustainable competitive advantage and using advanced marketing methods. Doing so will make your business a cut above the rest.

Best launch tip number four: Balance your marketing mix

Try to achieve a delicate balance between the different market factors like pricing, distribution and promotion.

Best launch tip number five: Have an effective marketing plan

Make realistic functional and strategic marketing plans, and then stick to them. Try to communicate the essence of those plans to your team so that when the time to delegate comes your subordinates will know what you do, and how to do it.

Best product launch tip number five: Know the competition

Always focus on industry and competition analysis, try to absorb as much relevant information about this as possible. Make primary, secondary and tertiary analysis.

Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   

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